Now Edit Your WhatsApp Messages Within 15 Minutes

WhatsApp Unveils Highly Anticipated Feature: Edit Sent Messages Within 15 Minutes

WhatsApp has finally introduced a long-awaited feature that allows users to edit their sent messages. This exciting update gives you the ability to correct mistakes or revise your thoughts even after hitting the send button.

To make an edit, simply long-press on the message and select the “Edit” option from the menu. You can take advantage of this functionality within a 15-minute timeframe from the message’s original sending. The edited message will be clearly marked with an “edited” label, ensuring the recipient is aware of the modification. However, the edit history itself will remain hidden.

This convenient feature is gradually being rolled out worldwide and will be made available to all users in the upcoming weeks. It’s worth noting that, as with all personal messages, the end-to-end encryption remains intact, ensuring the privacy and security of your messages and any subsequent edits.

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